There is a general guideline on medication usage/dosage for honeybees, located on the right hand side of our web page. Always follow label directions on each medication.
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SuperDFM10 SDFM10 $21.95 |
SuperDFM 50 Hive SDFM50 $60.00 |
SuperDFM 100 Hive Bag SDFM100 $110.00 |
Mite-Away Quick Strips 30 pack A1477 $180.00 |
Hive Beetle Trap HD681 $1.95 |
Trap-Mite Board with Tray W443 $39.25 |
Apistan Strips - 100 pk HD870 $270.00 |
Apistan Strips - 10 pk HD869 $37.95 |
Formic Pro Quick Strips 2 Pack A1475 $22.00 |
Amino B Booster A897 $33.95 |
Mite-Away Quick Strips 10 pack A1476 $75.00 |
Apiguard Singles or Ten Packs A859 $7.00 |
Apiguard Tub A865 $170.00 |
Menthol Crystals Packets HD871 $7.25 |
Mesh Bags HD873 $0.39 |
Wax Moth Fumigator HD874 $30.00 |